Summer Reading

Summer Reading 2024:  June 17 – July 27

All Ages
Participating in a summer reading program is a great way to help students avoid the “summer slide” and keep them engaged while school is out, BUT summer reading is for everyone, regardless of age! Kids, teens, and adults are all encouraged to read, explore, and have fun with us all summer long!

Tracking Your Reading
Use your Summer Reading Log to keep track of the minutes you spend reading this summer, or track your reading online using the form below!
You can read whatever you want – they don’t even have to be library books. There are also themed reading challenges (find them in the Summer Brochure!) to help you discover something different to read.

Gibsonville 2024 Printable Reading Log  |  GPL Printable Summer Brochure | Summer Adventure Bingo  | Passport Folding Instruction Video

Summer Activities
StorytimesBirth - PreK  AdventurersAges 6-12 Scavenger HuntAll Ages  Drop-in ActivitiesAll Ages


Gibsonville Public Library
506 Church Street
Gibsonville, NC 27249


Friday:  9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday:  9:00AM–3:00PM


Phone: 336-449-6455
Fax: 336-449-4290
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