About the Library

The Gibsonville Public Library serves the residents of Gibsonville, NC and the surrounding area.
Our library provides free and equal access to information, encourages life-long learning, and inspires the joy of reading.
The library is a department of the Town of Gibsonville.  A short history of the library is available here.

Connecting people to quality information, opportunities, the world, and each other to foster community, discovery, and compassion.

Borrowing Materials

Material Type Loan Period Limit Per Card
Books & Magazines 21 days 20
DVDs 7 days 6
Books on CD 21 days 6
Games & Puzzles 21 days 6
Hotspots & Laptops  (learn more) 7 days 1 of each
Hoopla ebooks, comics, & audiobooks 21 days 5 total Hoopla items per month
Hoopla digital movies & TV shows 3 days 5 total Hoopla items per month
Hoopla digital music 7 days 5 total Hoopla items per month

Learn more about borrowing materials from the library

What if I return an item late?
While we do not charge daily late fees at our library, you are responsible for returning your materials on time and taking care of any fines for lost or damaged materials you may have. You can pay any fees in person with cash or check, or pay them online with a card or Paypal account.

Learn more about paying fines online

Open library positions will be posted online at www.gibsonvillenc.org/employment-opportunities

How Do I Get A Library Card?
All residents of Gibsonville and the surrounding areas are eligible for a free library card. You will need to bring a photo ID and proof of your current address if the information on your ID is not up to date. A piece of mail or an official document like a utility bill, vehicle registration or a lease agreement can be used to prove your current address.

You can register for your library card online before you visit, or print out a library card application to complete and bring with you on your first visit.  

Children may receive their own card with a parent or legal guardian who will be financially responsible for any fines for lost or damaged materials checked out in the child’s name. You will need to bring your library card with you when checking out library materials.

Learn more about library cards

Strategic Plan
The Gibsonville Public Library conducted a community needs assessment in the summer and fall of 2016 in order to gather feedback from our service population. We used this information to craft a plan of action for our library, taking into account what the community appreciates about current services, what we could be doing better, and what we need to focus on in the future.
The board of alderman approved the library’s strategic plan in October 2017.
The plan is available to view online here.

Full Time Library Staff

Jessica Arnold
Library Director

Ashley Frost
Library Supervisor


Gibsonville Public Library
506 Church Street
Gibsonville, NC 27249


Friday:  9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday:  9:00AM–3:00PM


Phone: 336-449-6455
Fax: 336-449-4290
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