Mugvember recipe #4


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Mugvember with the Library – Throughout November

This month we’re getting cozy with some fun mug recipes!  Recipes will be posted every week in November on our social media (so follow the library on Facebook and Instagram!) and will be available in the library, too.

Get a free, limited-edition Gibsonville Mural mug to use when you donate to our Community Pantry.  We’d love to see your mug creations, so make sure to tag us @gibsonvillelibrary when you post pictures!

Recipe for November 27th: Turkey Mug Pot Pie

Here’s a fun way to use up some Thanksgiving leftovers – everyone in the family can make their own leftover pot pie in a mug!  We used the recipe for an easy biscuit topping from to top off our mug pie! So, after some GPL kitchen testing, here is our adapted version:

Leftover Turkey Mug Pot Pie
adapted from the recipe at (for the topping, specifically).  Feel free to mix it up with your own ingredients!

Biscuit Topping Ingredients
4 TBSP flour
½ tsp baking powder
⅛ tsp salt
½ TBSP butter, chopped into bits
3½ TBSP milk (any kind)

Pie Filling Ingredient Ideas (use what you have!)
Leftover turkey
Leftover veggies like corn or green beans (even if they are in casserole form!)
Leftover gravy
*You can use a mixture of 1 TBSP milk, 3 TBSP stock or broth, and 1½ tsp corn starch if you don’t have gravy

Cooking Gear:
1 mug (15oz or bigger)
1 small bowl for mixing topping
Measuring spoons
A fork for mixing ingredients

1. Add the veggies, turkey, and gravy to your mug and mix it up!  Make sure you leave room for the biscuit topping – about a third of your mug
2. Mix the dry ingredients for the topping in a small bowl and then use your fork to smash the butter pieces into it until it looks a little like breadcrumbs.
3. Add the milk to your bowl and mix until it is all incorporated into a batter.
4. Pour or scoop batter into top of mug.  It will sink, but trust us – it fluffs up and rises when cooked!
5. Place your mug on a plate – it may overflow the mug a bit (ours did)
6. Microwave for about 2 minutes or until the biscuit topping is firm with no wet spots.**
7. Once fully cooked, give your food a few minutes to cool after you take it out of microwave – it comes out HOT!

** We tested this recipe in a 1000W microwave, and it took 2 minutes to cook completely. Yours might be different.


Gibsonville Public Library
506 Church Street
Gibsonville, NC 27249


Friday:  9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday:  9:00AM–3:00PM


Phone: 336-449-6455
Fax: 336-449-4290
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