News & Announcements:

Stuffed Animal Sleepover Party
Bring a stuffed animal friend and join us for a bedtime-themed story on Tuesday, February 19th (11am story) OR Wednesday, February 20th (10am or 11am story). After the story, our stuffed animals can “sleep over” at the library to have fun with other stuffed friends. The librarians will make sure they have a good time and will post pictures of their sleepover party adventures on the library’s Facebook page and Instagram. You can pick up your stuffie the following day and find out which library book they have chosen to take home and read with you!

February 14th is Library Lovers Day
We can’t wait to celebrate with you! We’ll have crafting materials available Monday – Thursday leading up to the big day so you can craft a card or other work of art that shows your unique love for your unique library. Watch for images of library-loving creations on our Facebook and Instagram.
School-Age Activities

Afterschool S.T.E.A.M. Activities | Thursdays at 4:00 PM
Join us for a fun STEAM (that’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) activity each Thursday afternoon at 4:00 PM during the school year. These activities are intended for elementary and middle school students. This month we are taking inspiration from one of our favorite science shows to bust some myths and have fun with science!

Homeschool Activities | Every third Friday at 10:00 AM
Homeschool families are invited to join us every third Friday at 10:00 AM for STEAM activities and the chance to meet other area homeschoolers. Activities will mirror afterschool themes each month.
Ani-Makers – for Middle and High School students | Every third Saturday, 1:30 PM
Calling all anime fans, creative types, makers and friends! We want to start a group just for you Each month, we’ll get together to watch a fun animated thing and create a fun thing, too.
Since this is a brand new group, you’ll get to help shape our activities to reflect your own interests. Have a great craft idea? Share it! Have a new favorite show? Share that too! Bring your friends and make some new friends.
Next Meeting Saturday, February 16 at 1:30 PM
Story Times:

Saturday Family Storytimes – Saturdays at 10:00 AM
We are now offering a family-style story time each Saturday morning at 10:00 AM starting in June. Join Miss Amanda for fun stories, songs and activities and bring the whole family!
And on the last Saturday of each month there will be a special Bilingual Family Storytime where we will present stories and songs in English and Spanish and the whole family is invited!

Toddler Story time | Wednesdays at 10:00 AM
Kids 3 and under and their caregivers are invited to come enjoy stories, fingerplays, and songs.
Pre-K Story time | Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 11:00 AM
These story times, geared for 4-5 year olds, feature stories, crafts and activities.