News & Announcements:
** The Library will be closed Monday, January 1 (New Year’s Day)
and Monday, January 15 (MLK Day) **
Special Events:
Bring-Your-Own Device Help Session | Monday, January 22, 6-7 PM
Many people will give and receive new technology for the holidays this year — so mark your calendar for our “Bring-your-own device” help session at the library. Library staff will be on hand for drop-in questions about your phone, tablet, eReader, or laptop. We may not already know the answer to every question, but we’re experts at finding answers and we’re here to help.
Family Trivia Party | Saturday, January 27, 1-3 PM
Test your trivia skills as a family! This family-friendly trivia party will feature a variety of trivia topics, snacks, fun and the chance to win prizes.
Trivia starts at 1 PM but we will play multiple rounds, so don’t be afraid to drop in any time between 1 PM and 3 PM.
School-Age Events:
After-School Activities | Thursdays, 4:00 – 4:30 PM
Join us for some after-school STEAM fun! In January we’re exploring some wintry science to find out how animals stay warm in arctic weather and by making our own snow and ice!
Intended for elementary/middle school students.
Homeschool Activities | Third Friday each month, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Homeschool families are invited to join us every third Friday at 10:00 AM for STEAM activities and the chance to meet other area homeschoolers.
Story Times:
***2018 storytimes begin on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018***
Toddler Story time | Wednesdays at 10:00 AM – Kids 3 and under and their caregivers are invited to come enjoy stories, fingerplays, and songs.
Pre-K Story time | Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 11:00 AM – These story times, geared for 4-5 year olds, features stories, crafts and activities.
Book Clubs:
Gentle Reads Book Club | Tuesday, January 16, 6-7 PM *FIRST MEETING*
Do you enjoy authors like Debbie Macomber, Jan Karon, Adriana Trigiani or Karen Kingsbury? Then this might be the book club for you! Join us each month as we share books, food, and fellowship with the Gentle Reads Book Club. Learn more and let us know if you are interested here.
You can do that at the library?