The library will begin offering curbside service on Monday, May 18th.
Library users who wish to take advantage of this service can request materials by phone (336-449-6455), email (, or online through the library’s catalog  at
Curbside pickup will be available from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday-Thursday and Saturday, and 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Monday-Thursday.  Library staff will also be available to take requests by phone during these times.
When placing a request, you will need to provide a phone number and a time for pickup.  Library staff will gather your requested items, check them out on your account, and deliver them to the curbside pickup table at the confirmed time.  We ask that library users maintain the recommended social distance while staff is present and wait in your vehicle or at least 6 feet away from the curbside table.  The library building will remain closed to the public during this time.

The library is still offering Books by Mail as a method of serving our community during our current closure.
Residents may place requests over the phone (336-449-6455) between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, by writing us at, or by reserving materials online with a library card at A current, full-access library card in good standing is required to check-out library books.We also have a limited selection of materials available for Gibsonville residents without a library card. These items do not need to be returned to the library. Just contact us at the phone number or email listed above to place a request. The Books by Mail service will be available as staff and funds for shipping costs are available. If you would like to help support this service, you can donate here.

Zoom Storytimes with Miss Ashley – Tuesdays at 10:00 AM
How about a little germ-free interaction?? Miss Ashley is doing storytime on Zoom, so we can all sing, read, and share together.|
Join us for storytime at 10 AM on Tuesdays on Zoom!
Join Zoom Event at
Meeting ID: 422 946 0001         Password is 498295
***Please sign in with a real name, to discourage spamming we will not allow logins from unnamed sourcees***

Help Mask Gibsonville
Looking for a way to help our community?  Do you have extra fabric and time to donate?
We know many people want to help, and we want to connect you with those who need it. We originally launched “Mask Gibsonville” to help provide for town employees. Since then, we have received great feedback and enough masks to fill our need. The Town was also able to secure mask sources to make sure employees are safe. However, there are still those in our community who could use a donated mask. Local businesses struggling to adjust to new restrictions, seniors, and other high-risk residents in Gibsonville are still looking for masks. The library is still accepting donated masks and will distribute them to those who need them.  Learn more at

Bonus Borrows from Hoopla
Need more than 5 borrows a month on Hoopla? Check out Hoopla Bonus Borrows! They don’t count against your borrowing limit, and they’re FREE for the library, too!⁠ ⁠
Just search “Bonus Borrows” at
Check out other great FREE resources HERE or follow us on Facebook and Instagram – we share out every freebie we can find!

While we appreciate the thought – please do not leave donated books in the book drop while we are closed.
We are not accepting materials donations or interacting with volunteers during the COVID-19 closure. If you would like to support the library, please consider making a monetary donation online here.
If you prefer to donate on paper, checks can be made out to Gibsonville Public Library and mailed to 506 Church St, Gibsonville, NC 27249.