Maker Fest

This event has been cancelled

Maker Fest Gibsonville – Friday, January 27, 2023, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Gibsonville Community Center, 314 10th Street, Gibsonville, North Carolina 27249

Be a part of Gibsonville’s first Maker Fest! The Gibsonville Community Center will host an exhibit hall full of interactive stations and displays, as well as a schedule of workshops, classes and presentations.

There will be space for 20 booths in the exhibit hall this year and 8 available time slots in the meeting rooms for workshops, classes and presentations. An exhibitor may also schedule a presentation time in one of the meeting rooms, but must provide an attendant for their booth during that time.
There is no cost to participate in Maker Fest Gibsonville. This free event is open to the community.
There is not a vendor space – exhibitors/presenters may not sell anything at the event, though they are encouraged to share promotional materials about their businesses, organizations, or online presence.

Exhibit hall booth information:
The Gibsonville Community Center will provide one six foot table and two chairs for each available booth space. Exhibitors must bring all other supplies needed.

Workshops, classes and presentations:
There are two meeting rooms available for workshops, classes and presentations. Each presenter will be scheduled for a one-hour time slot. Presentations should be no more than 45-50 minutes in length, to give the next presenter time to prepare the room.

Event sponsors:
Local businesses or organizations can sponsor Maker Fest Gibsonville! A $200 sponsorship includes
4 social media posts leading up to the event, and the sponsor’s logo on the Maker Fest website and
printed promotional materials.


Gibsonville Public Library
506 Church Street
Gibsonville, NC 27249


Friday:  9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday:  9:00AM–3:00PM


Phone: 336-449-6455
Fax: 336-449-4290
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