Planning for a new community library

Planning for a new community library
In December 2021, the Town of Gibsonville purchased approximately 5 acres of land at 502 – 564 Minneola Street (behind the Gibsonville Community Center) with the intent of building a new library that can better serve all of Gibsonville’s residents.

In the summer of 2022, the Gibsonville Public Library secured a grant from the State Library of North Carolina to conduct a consultant-led planning project to gather community input that will be used in the planning and design of the new library facility. Community input was collected through an online survey and multiple in-person public meetings.

The final document that pulls together all of this community input, survey data, and professional recommendations was presented to town leadership on November 7, 2022 and is available here.

The Town of Gibsonville began the RFQ process in October 2022, requesting letters of interest and statements of qualifications for the design of a new Library. Clearscapes architecture group was selected and is currently working with library and town leadership to develop an initial design for the new facility.


Gibsonville Public Library
506 Church Street
Gibsonville, NC 27249


Friday:  9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday:  9:00AM–3:00PM


Phone: 336-449-6455
Fax: 336-449-4290
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